Wednesday, September 28, 2011



Gray & Gray

This morning was painted with dreary colors (definitely weather requiring blinking lights), and a threat of rain. The biggest intersection I cross (this video) offered no contrast to the gray palette, just the drone of cars spewing around....

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Stiff Stuff

My front derailer is very stiff, especially when I try to select the top gear. Hopefully oil will loosen this component...or perhaps I should replace it given its nearly 20 year age! Anyway, time for some Lebanese food!

Friday, September 23, 2011

Rain Anew

Frankly, I haven't biked in the rain -- a steady, measurable rain -- for many years. So this afternoon, as I watched from my office window bits of our planet's fresh water pour down upon a large swath of our macadamized soil, I saw an opportunity rising. Some coworkers advised against my returning in rain; another offered me a ride home. I checked the radar and the window a few times and waited for an opportunity. Fortunately, just at quittin' time the rain tapered off from a downpour into a steady, light patter. I grabbed helmet and panniers and headed out the door.

I hadn't checked the weather this morning, so I wasn't entirely ready for this rainy return trip. Mainly, I didn't have a waterproof shell. This didn't seem to matter, for as soon as I hit the pedals I was enjoying myself, despite a steady soaking of my clothes. And for some reason my bike seat was not soaked with water (perhaps a benefit of locking to a tree). Balancing my ill-equipped-ness were front and rear blinkers, and snap-on fenders. The kid in me loved watching them block so much water that the tires lifted toward me. 

The last bit of my ride home is a quarter mile hill that terminates at our driveway. Perhaps this was the riskiest portion of the trip, with my wet rims treating my brake pads as is they were skis. No consequences, though -- not even a slip.

Pneumatic Adjustment

Time for air....

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Is the price right? When the possibilities are considered - transport, exercise, polution reduction, human potential directly manifested - I think: absolutely.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Despondent Cyclist Laments Failing Erector Spinae Muscles!

Well, I think it's my erector spinae muscles that are aching so much. Something down there hurts quite a bit, and I'm not sure what brought the pain on (sitting at the office?). Part of me thought I should ride on this lovely morning to exercise the offending area, but I opted to drive lest I strain something all the more. Tomorrow, my massage therapist pal will hopefully knead this malady out of existence!

Monday, September 12, 2011

Finally Sun!

Finally, the sun has emerged and permitted better cycling. My shadow was not the only one intersected by spokes and wheels today - I saw three other pedalers on a brief ride.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


Following a Broadway show, these pedal cabs were more prominent than taxis! A pleasant contrast to exhaust fumes and honking horns!

Saturday, September 3, 2011

NYC Bike Lock

This chain looks pretty sturdy. The sheen on the chain suggested a higher quality steel; harder to hack saw through than say, the chain I use to lock our canoe. The basket, incidentally, is excellent for delivering pizza.